Facial Aesthetics

What are wrinkle reducing injections?

Throughout our lifetime, through use of our facial muscles repeatedly, wrinkles and frown lines will develop. As we get older both collagen and elastin production within the skin will also decline and this can lead to more deeply etched wrinkles that do not disappear even when we are not being expressive.

By administering a natural protein, called Botulinum Toxin A, the muscles can be relaxed and their movement restricted. This allows the overlying skin to recover and the visible wrinkles will soften and can fade away, leaving a smoother more youthful appearance.

What does the treatment involve?

It takes approximately 10-15 minutes to perform. The treatment tends to have minimal discomfort as the needles used are very small and fine. Anaesthetic can be given prior to treatment as requested.

Will the results be instant?

The results of wrinkle reducing injections will start to show within 48-72 hours but it takes 14 days for the full effects to show.  Two weeks after your treatment you will return for our clinicians to check your results and ensure you are happy.

How long will the results last?

On average it takes about 3 months for the effects to wear off and for your muscles to regain their full function.

What are the common areas to be treated?

The three main areas that we tend to treat are:

  • The frown lines - these are the deep lines that form between the eyebrows
  • The crows feet - these are the smile lines that form around the eyes
  • The forehead lines

Our skilled clinicians will be able to assess you and advise on the areas that you would benefit from having treated.

Dermal Fillers

What are Dermal Fillers?

Dermal fillers are a gel made from hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring substance in our bodies.

It is injected into the skin and binds with water, helping to restore lost volume, smoothing lines and wrinkles.

What does the treatment involve?

You will be given some topical or local anaesthetic prior to treatment to improve comfort. Dermal filler is injected into the selected areas. Treatment time will vary but will likely take between 30-60 minutes.  You can expect to return to work within 6-24 hours after treatment.

Will the results be instant?

You will see the results instantly. You may experience some initial swelling in the injection areas and this will approximately 7-10 days to settle down.

How long will the results last?

Typically the effects will last from 9- 12 months.

What are the common areas to be treated?

  • Naso-labial folds- the indentation lines at either side of the mouth that extend from the edge of the nose to the corners of the mouth
  • Marionette lines- wrinkles which extend from each corner of your mouth down your chin
  • Cheeks
  • Lips
  • Peri-oral lines-the fine or deep wrinkles that occur around your mouth or lips